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En smula hänsyn och lite omtanke betyder så mycket.
~ Nalle Puh

The big bang theory!

Leonard: What would you be if you were attached to another object by an inclined plane, wrapped helically around an axis?
Sheldon: Screwed.
Leonard: There you go.

Så himla bra sagt.. :D

Och självklart en av de absolut bästa senerna i hela serien:

Sheldon: I promised Penny.
Leonard: Promised Penny what?
Sheldon: I wouldn't tell you the secret. (pause) Shhhhh!!!!
Leonard: What secret? Tell me the secret.
Sheldon: Mom smokes in the car. Jesus is okay with it, but we can't tell dad.
Leonard: Not that secret, the other secret.
Sheldon: I'M BATMAN!!!! SHHHH!!!

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"And so the lion fell in love with the lamb." ~ Edward Cullen
"What a stupid lamb" ~ Isabella Swan
"What a sick, masochistic lion." ~ Edward Cullen

Från filmen Twilight

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Errare humanum est.
Det är mänskligt att fela.

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I'm not insane! My mother had me tested!
~ Sheldon

Var bara tvungen. Älskar the Big Bang Theory. :)

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"Happiness is not a destination. It is a mood, it is not permanent. It comes and goes and if people thought that way then maybe people would find happiness more often."

~ Julian i One Tree Hill

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"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them."
~ Walt Disney

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Amor vincit omnia.
Kärleken övervinner allt.

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"Det finns mer i livet än att öka farten" ~ Mahatma Gandhi

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”Ingen kan vara nere på en ballong” ~ Nalle Puh

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”Förmågan att idag tänka annorlunda än igår skiljer den vise från den envise.” ~ John Steinbeck

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